Co-create intimate relationships through play.
Online & offline.

A matchmaking app where you play online quizzes to build intimacy & then meet each other through organized meetups.

What is this?

Play centric approach

Play centric approach

A play-centric approach to building intimacy encourages bonding through shared activities, fostering connection through fun and creativity.

High Intent relationship

High Intent relationship

High intent relationships, powered by personalized offline experiences, deepening connections through meaningful, tailored interactions.

Verified profiles

Verified profiles

Engage only with Govt. ID verified people who compliment your personality, value system and curiosities.

App features

Personalized feed

Personalized feed

Gain daily insights into your connection by reflecting on shared experiences and tracking emotional growth together.

Verified profiles

Verified profiles

Our eKYC verification system makes sure you only connect with profiles verified by us. No bots or fake profiles whatsoever!

Hyper-personalized meetups

Hyper-personalized meetups

Filter from wide range of places based on your interests and vibe. Decide and meet up through us, whenever it suits you both!

Communicate playfully and authentically

Communicate playfully and authentically

Use our quizzes, personality insights & chat to talk about things that really matter.

Welcome to our world

Discover yourself

Discover yourself

AI quiz helps us decode your overall personality along with your interests.

Find common ground

Find common ground

Our recommendation system then curates only the most relevant and verified people in the niche

Break the wall

Break the wall

Chat and quiz to help break the ice and build understanding

Verified people, irl

Verified people, irl

Decide a time, place and a venue to meet, and make it real.

How we do it?


Level 1

Discover each other through Personalized profile suggestions, AI based personality charts and relational insights.


Level 1

Discover each other through Personalized profile suggestions, AI based personality charts and relational insights.


Level 1

Discover each other through Personalized profile suggestions, AI based personality charts and relational insights.

Chat and connect

Level 2

Chat & play quizzes to cultivate understanding. Cross levels of intimate conversations.

Chat and connect

Level 2

Chat & play quizzes to cultivate understanding. Cross levels of intimate conversations.

Chat and connect

Level 2

Chat & play quizzes to cultivate understanding. Cross levels of intimate conversations.

Come together

Level 3

Meet each other in real life through curated events.

Come together

Level 3

Meet each other in real life through curated events.

Come together

Level 3

Meet each other in real life through curated events.